Whilst writing articles, I am constantly evaluating Mental Health In The Workplace Initiatives and subjects relevant to this.
Many workers are unwilling to talk about stress at work, because of the stigma stress has. But stress is not a weakness and can happen to anyone. Awareness of mental health issues at work is growing, and employers are putting in place many positive interventions – from healthy food in As the workplace and the workforce changes, so there is the need to do analysis to keep abreast of the implications of those changes, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises, the self-employed and those working in the gig economy. There is much evidence to show that having a healthy workforce leads to happier, more engaged and more loyal staff. Your organisations reputation will also get a boost when it begins to be recognised as a mentally healthy, supportive workforce. In an economy struggling to increase productivity, reducing the huge impact of mental ill-health must be a priority. It’s important for businesses of all sizes to step up and take action, because you will only make things better, both for your people and for your bottom line. If you have an ongoing mental health problem you may be unsure of who to tell about it, when to tell them and how much to tell. you may be worried about how they may react and the consequences.
Mental health and behavioural disorders are common. At any point, up to 18 per cent of the working age population has a mental health problem. More pressing, the prevalence of mental health problems among sickness benefit claimants is increasing with over 40 per cent of sickness claims recording a mental or behavioural disorder as a primary condition. Whether it’s starting a conversation about mental health with a co-worker, encouraging mental health training in your organization, or tapping into self-study e-courses that offer daily self-care practices, find what works for you and never underestimate the power and value of your voice making a difference in your workplace. If not now, then when? Most office workers sit for over eight hours a day, which is extremely dangerous for long-term health. Educate your employees about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle and encourage them to take regular breaks. Research has shown that although home working is both a necessity and a choice for many, it is also associated with increased mental ill-health; particularly if that homeworking is for more than three days a week. One of the most common psychological challenges of homeworking is that of boundary management. It is also important to acknowledge that being able to work from home is a luxury that many workers during this difficult time are not afforded. Don't forget to send out proper internal communications around employers duty of care mental health in your organisation.
Offer Access To Apps
Many people are reluctant to speak up about their mental health because it could harm their promotion and career opportunities. A study done by the World Economic Forum, covering 25 firms with 2 million employees in 125 countries around the world, also shows that firms that champion workplace wellness are reaping significant benefits measured in terms of increased productivity, reduced cost of employee healthcare, and increased employee engagement that lead to reduced turnover. Often, we are our own biggest roadblock when attempting to start talking about mental health – held back by fear of shame, fear of the unknown, the desire to find a more acceptable “excuse” for our behavior because it’s at work. Poor mental health does not equate to poor performance. It’s important to understand that an individual can have a serious mental health problem but – with the right support – can still be thriving at work’. Many people with mental health issues perform at a high level, some with and others without support or adjustments. The term mental ill health covers harmful levels of stress, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder (manic depression), psychosis, obsessive compulsive disorder and is often associated with drug and alcohol abuse and eating disorders (such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia). Subjects such as how to manage an employee with anxiety can be tackled by getting the appropriate support in place.Take proactive steps to keep your employees’ work/life balance healthy. You could encourage your staff to work sensible hours, ensure they take full lunch breaks, and advise them to avoid working at weekends. People dealing with mental health challenges don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Firstly, because the trauma associated with the challenge is high. Also, the age-old, “what will people think?” makes people hesitant to share about their mental health. Achieving good emotional health can be complicated but it’s just as important as achieving good physical health. And yet, emotional wellness often lands squarely on the back burner, particularly in the workplace. Why isn't emotional health more of a priority for overall employee wellness? Mental health affects our capacity to learn, communicate, and form and maintain effective relationships. Even though work can involve some degree of pressure, as long as it is within individual coping capacity for it, it leads to personal growth and development. Understanding how to support mental health at work is also key for designing modern, accessible and effective well-being programs, which in turn lead to better business and people outcomes. Organisations can make sure their employee benefits package provides support for workplace wellbeing support today.
Adults Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours At Work
Every workplace is vulnerable to potential injuries or accidents. If someone hurts themselves at work, there is the obvious expense of sickness absence, but also potential liability costs and the knock-on effect on team morale and motivation. Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards use a risk assessment process to help organisations identify the extent and causes of employees’ work-related stress, and suggest ways that everyone in the organisation can work together to prevent and manage stress more effectively. Not flagging when progress is behind schedule can be because an employee is afraid of speaking out. Each organization, employee and situation is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Employers should determine what solutions best fit your organization’s and employee’s needs through analysis. Thinking about concepts such as managing employees with mental health issues is really helpful in a workplace environment.Mental health-friendly workplaces support employees in seeking treatment, safeguard employee health information, and provide employees referral resources such as EAPs. Depression is a feeling of low mood that lasts for a long time and affects everyday life. It can make someone feel hopeless, despairing, guilty, worthless, unmotivated and exhausted. It can affect self-esteem, sleep, appetite, sex drive and physical health. In its mildest form, depression doesn’t stop someone leading a normal life, but it makes everything harder to do and seem less worthwhile. At its most severe, depression can make someone feel suicidal, and be life-threatening. Workplace well-being isn’t just a measure of physical well-being metrics like nutrition, exercise, biometrics and sleep quality. It’s more holistic and includes a focus on mental health in the workplace. Managers need to be aware of mental health conditions and of health and well-being issues in the workplace. They need to be able to resolve problems as they arise, using the range of tools, guidance and expert advice available. Doing the same thing every day can hinder employee motivation and engagement. Create stretch assignments for those in need of a challenge. Along with boosting engagement, it will harness and cultivate talent through continuous learning, helping you nurture and retain strong employees. Even though it may not be easy to become an employee-centric company addressing workplace wellbeing ideas it is of utmost importance in this day and age.
Keep An Eye Out For Depression
Mental ill-health is estimated to cost private sector employers an average of £1716 per employee and public sector employers £1652 each year. The benefits go beyond simply reducing the costs associated with negative outcomes (e.g, absenteeism, mental health disorders, and psychological injury compensation claims). Organisational practices that improve employee psychological health and wellbeing (and reduce the incidence and duration of mental health symptoms) also result in improved performance for people with or without a mental health condition. When you’ve got a lot on your plate at work, it can be easy to work that extra hour in the evenings or check your emails at the weekends. This is an easy - but dangerous - habit to fall into. Establishing the line between your work and personal life is crucial for minimising stress and preventing burnout. And you’ll actually find you’re more productive if you stick to your contracted hours. Find more information on the topic of Mental Health In The Workplace Initiatives on this Health and Safety Executive article.Related Articles:
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